
Standard dimensions on stock thickness: 12. Materialet är ett fjädrande material med relativt hög inre dämpning. Sylomer , the special PUR Elastomer material developed by Getzner, is one of the leading products on the international market for vibration isolation and . View specifications for Sylomer green belt backing material. Find a wide variety of timing belt backing for any application.

Sylomer foams are most often used for elastic support of cabin soles, effectively isolating structureborne noise from engines, gears, pro- pellers, and water . Sylomer is a high quality polyurethane foam (Elastomer) that, because of its elastic qualities, is eminently suitable for sprung assemblies. Search for further products and . In the case of railway lines, vibrations and noise are reduce while maintenance costs. Laadukkailla materiaaleilla onnistuneet ja toimivat kohdetoteutukset! Tehokas vaimennus tärinälle . It can be used to reduce impact noise and also to acoustically . A sound insulating material used under flooring for the reduction of footfall sound.

Can be used in any kind of construction. Further characteristic values on request. Material mixed cellular PUR-elastomer (polyetherurethane) Colour red. Mechanical components, Press Die, Plastic Mold .